Iceman Road Trucker


From Joe… “Flying back from Malaga the other day, I received a message from Isaac in the airport. That turned into many more messages back and forth as we were exchanging all things good about the bowl event that went down the other week at Ruben’s park. The ‘roast meters’ at the comp were at an all time high, as this was the kind of stuff Isaac and I would always talk about and get stoked on. I couldn’t help but think how much I would love to see him ride Ruben’s bowl. It would be a sight to see to say the least, but would put you on the edge of your seat the entire time. I’ve never met anyone like Isaac, and I’ve certainly never come across that has run his life as wide open as he has. Always pushing himself to the absolute limit while crossing that line from time to time as well. Almost as if to see if there is a line at all . . . I’m definitely saving a session for you my friend. This was a pic I shot of Isaac mid work day in Chicago in 2007.” Follow @t1ers