The Story Of The Malaga Skatepark Re-up

It’s Sunday again… treat yourself! The Story Of The Malaga Skatepark for Dig BMX/Etnies, filmed and edited by Joe Rich. “Ruben Alcantara has always been one to question what is possible, and to push any boundaries that could limit his vision. After decades of this personal journey repeating itself in his riding, it would only make sense that Ruben go through the exact same process with anything he is involved with. What you are about to watch is a tale of the new skatepark in his hometown of Malaga, Spain. It really is a labor of Ruben’s personal love for both riding, and what the future holds for upcoming generations. My goal with this was to tell the story of what emerged as a result of Ruben’s hard work and dedication. Followed up by pure visual delight of watching him enjoy the fruits of his efforts. If there is one thing I love, is watching people ride as they would on any day, despite if anyone was looking or not. That purity never gets old to me . . . Ruben Alcantara has always, and will always be a visionary. The main thing that sets Ruben apart, is that he’s made these visions blossom into realities time and time again. And the world is a better place because of it.”


Sole Rider


Congrats to Monsieur Molineri on being added to the SCg Shoe team! “In our own version of the French Connection, we are stoked to say that Mike Molineri is repping SCg’s roasting bowl’s world wide. Stoked to have such an awesome friend and rider part of the family.”

Animal Tire Promo Re-up

It’s Sunday… treat yourself! Animal Bikes x T-1 Garrett Byrnes Tire Promo by Ryan Navazio. “Animal bikes and Terrible one have teamed up to bring a new dual compound tire to the streets and skateparks. The hard compound on top provides a lower rolling resistance while the soft compound on the outside provides increased corner grip.”